Published on July 21, 2023

New web API supports automated creation of individual laminates

New web API supports automated creation of individual laminates

Previously, we’ve already reported about the grant-supported project Patch2Patient

which aims to provide the technology baseline for a digital process chain in the production of FRP medical products. In this context, Cevotec teamed up with Munich-based medical software experts Mecuris to set up an automated process for the laminate creation of patient-individual prosthetic legs. Mecuris extended their existing Solution Platform for editing 3D scans to also support the definition of fiber orientations, reinforcement zones and other FPP specific properties to provide options for special adjustments if required. After the necessary information is provided by the orthopedic technician, this data is then sent to a Cevotec server where the lay-up planning is automatically performed.

For this purpose, Cevotec developed a new cloud-hosted API that interfaces with the solution from Mecuris. A download link for the 3D scan in the common STL format, as well as the laminate metadata and the credentials for the upload of the results are submitted. ARTIST STUDIO’s elaborate scripting features are then used to create and optimize a suitable patch-based laminate. Based on the simulation work conducted by Fraunhofer IPA, another project partner, an optimal design was previously identified for a generic prosthetic. This abstract laminate definition is consequently applied to the actual geometry by first applying an intersection of the part with a user-defined reference plane. The resulting contour is used as a reference for the fiber orientation and additional curves – parallel or under an angle relative to the contour – are derived from it. These curves than describe the local orientation of the patches that are generated in the subsequent step. The manufacturing of the resulting patch-based laminate is then also automatically simulated and the patch lay-up is finally uploaded to the Mecuris Solution Platform where it can be reviewed by the user.

This application shows the flexibility of ARTIST STUDIO’s automation functionalities, especially when it comes to integrating the creation of an FPP laminate in a more complex software toolchain. If you’re interested in more information and would like to know how your laminate creation can be automated with ARTIST STUDIO, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

This research and development project was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the program “Innovations for the Production, Service and Work of Tomorrow” (funding codes 02P18C090 to 02P18C096) and supervised by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA). The responsibility for the content of this publication remains with the authors.

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