As part of our membership in the AZL Workgroup Composites Pipes & Vessels, we were honored to present our Fiber Patch Placement for dome reinforcementsand virtually hosted the 18th workgroup meeting on May 28. The high-level speaker agenda was followed by a live and interactive demonstration of our SAMBA Pro PV system, showcasing the automated FPP lay-up process of dome reinforcement on composite tanks – as a live video stream from our cevoLab.

The live demo started with a brief introduction of our engineering software ARTIST STUDIO, presenting dedicated lay-up features  in the CAD module PATCH ARTIST that optimally support development engineers with dome reinforcements designs. The CAM module MOTION ARTIST then converts the designs fully automated into robot data and enables a virtual process simulation before actual production.

Next, we  transitioned from data to reality – and witnessed how SAMBA Pro PV placed the reinforcement patches fully automated on the dome of a H2 pressure vessel liner.

Additionally to the presenter camera, we installed two fixed cameras streaming parallel from top of the feeding & cutting unit and from the placement unit, to give the audience a 360 degree impression of the whole system and the processing steps.

We would like to thank AZL for the opportunity to host the workgroup meeting at Cevotec and providing a perfect platform for the first live demonstration of our new SAMBA Pro

PV system. We also say thanks to our technical colleagues to make this live lab tour a success. Well done, team!

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